Structure information

GLP-1 receptor


Class B1 (Secretin)




Homo sapiens






Aug. 4, 2021

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LigandAmino AcidGeneric NumberSegmentInteraction Type
Amino Acid
Generic Number
Interaction Type
Amino Acid
Generic Number
Interaction Type
taspoglutide S31 N-term polar (hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide L32 N-term polar (hydrogen bond with backbone)
taspoglutide L32 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide T35 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide V36 N-term hydrophobic
taspoglutide V36 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide W39 N-term aromatic (face-to-edge)
taspoglutide W39 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide D67 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide E68 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide Y69 N-term hydrophobic
taspoglutide Y69 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide Y88 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide Y88 N-term hydrophobic
taspoglutide L89 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide L89 N-term hydrophobic
taspoglutide P90 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide P90 N-term hydrophobic
taspoglutide W91 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide W91 N-term hydrophobic
taspoglutide R121 N-term polar (charge-assisted hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide E128 N-term Van der Waals
taspoglutide E138 1.33x33 TM1 polar (charge-assisted hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide L141 1.36x36 TM1 Van der Waals
taspoglutide L141 1.36x36 TM1 hydrophobic
taspoglutide L144 1.39x39 TM1 Van der Waals
taspoglutide L144 1.39x39 TM1 hydrophobic
taspoglutide Y148 1.43x43 TM1 Van der Waals
taspoglutide Y148 1.43x43 TM1 aromatic (edge-to-face)
taspoglutide Y152 1.47x47 TM1 Van der Waals
taspoglutide Y152 1.47x47 TM1 polar (hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide R190 2.60x60 TM2 polar (charge-assisted hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide K197 2.67x67 TM2 polar (charge-assisted hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide L201 2.71x71 TM2 Van der Waals
taspoglutide L201 2.71x71 TM2 hydrophobic
taspoglutide Y205 2.75x75 TM2 Van der Waals
taspoglutide Y205 2.75x75 TM2 polar (hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide A209 2.79x79 TM2 Van der Waals
taspoglutide H212 ECL1 Van der Waals
taspoglutide W214 ECL1 aromatic (edge-to-face)
taspoglutide W214 ECL1 Van der Waals
taspoglutide F230 3.33x33 TM3 Van der Waals
taspoglutide M233 3.36x36 TM3 Van der Waals
taspoglutide Q234 3.37x37 TM3 polar (hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide V237 3.40x40 TM3 hydrophobic
taspoglutide V237 3.40x40 TM3 Van der Waals
taspoglutide T298 45.52x52 ECL2 polar (hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide T298 45.52x52 ECL2 Van der Waals
taspoglutide R299 ECL2 polar (charge-assisted hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide N300 ECL2 Van der Waals
taspoglutide N300 ECL2 polar (hydrogen bond with backbone)
taspoglutide W306 5.36x37 TM5 aromatic (edge-to-face)
taspoglutide W306 5.36x37 TM5 Van der Waals
taspoglutide I309 5.39x39 TM5 Van der Waals
taspoglutide R310 5.40x40 TM5 Van der Waals
taspoglutide I313 5.43x43 TM5 hydrophobic
taspoglutide I313 5.43x43 TM5 Van der Waals
taspoglutide L314 5.44x44 TM5 Van der Waals
taspoglutide D372 ECL3 polar (charge-assisted hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide R380 7.35x34 TM7 polar (charge-assisted hydrogen bond)
taspoglutide L384 7.39x38 TM7 hydrophobic
taspoglutide L384 7.39x38 TM7 Van der Waals
taspoglutide E387 7.42x41 TM7 Van der Waals
taspoglutide L388 7.43x42 TM7 Van der Waals
taspoglutide L388 7.43x42 TM7 hydrophobic
LigandAmino AcidGeneric NumberSegmentInteraction Type
Showing 1 to 65 of 65 entries



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Residue Diagrams

V L A S F S L A Y G V T Y I I Y L F L L 1 L N L F A S F I L R A L S V F I K D A A 2 V L L W Y Y N A A V C Y Q M L L F V L R 3 I F R L Y V S G I W G V P L L F V V P W G 4 F I L F N V G I A F L I P L R I I L W Y N 5 L T L I P L L G T H E V I F A F V M 6 I A V M L G Q F S T F S L E T F L K I 7
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ICL1 ECL1 ICL2 ECL2 ICL3 ECL3 N-term C-term E E Q L L F L Y I I Y T V G Y A L S F S A L V I A S A I L L G F C T R N Y I H L N L F A S F I L R A L S V F I K D A A L K W M Y S L S C R L V F L L M Q Y C V A A N Y Y W L L V E G V Y L Y T L L A F S E Q W I F R L Y V S I G W G V P L L F V V P W G I V K Y L Y E N M N Y W L I I R L P I L F A I G V N F L I F V R V I C I V V S K L K A N L C K T D I K C R L A K S T L T L I P L L G T H E V I F A F V M G T L R F I K L F T E L S F T S F Q G L M V A I L Y C F V N N E F R K W R L I Q R V Q L E S W E R E H L H D S
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Residue Table

GLP-1 receptor
1x29 1.33x33 E138
1x32 1.36x36 L141
1x35 1.39x39 L144
1x39 1.43x43 Y148
1x43 1.47x47 Y152
2x53 2.60x60 R190
2x60 2.67x67 K197
2x64 2.71x71 L201
2x68 2.75x75 Y205
3x29 3.33x33 F230
3x32 3.36x36 M233
3x33 3.37x37 Q234
3x36 3.40x40 V237
45x52 45.52x52 T298
5x41 5.36x37 W306
5x43 5.39x39 I309
5x44 5.40x40 R310
5x47 5.43x43 I313
5x48 5.44x44 L314
7x30 7.35x34 R380
7x34 7.39x38 L384
7x37 7.42x41 E387
7x38 7.43x42 L388